Tournament Rules, Winter Classic DS Tournament, 2019-2020 (Orangeville Tigers Girls Hockey)

PrintTournament Rules

                                                 9th Annual Orangeville Tigers
                              Winter Classic Tournament RULES


1. OWHA and Hockey Canada Rules shall apply in addition to those as listed below.  Decisions of the Tournament Committee are final.

2. Teams shall register a minimum of one hour before the scheduled start time of their first game. Unless arrangements are made with the Tournament Coordinator to register immediately following their first game. Registration for all teams will be at the Alder Street Recreation Centre, one representative must attend with an OWHA Official Team Roster 2019-2020. OWHA call up forms are not accepted at DS tournaments. Teams are to supply all game sheet labels.

3. Players must be registered with the OWHA.  


1. All teams MUST be available to play 20 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of any game.  All players and bench staff must sign game sheets.  

2. Any player or team official who is serving a suspension must record that they are serving the suspension on the game sheet in the area where they would normally sign their name.  Example “Serving 1 of 3”

3. Home Teams must wear light colored jerseys. In the event of a conflict, the Home Team must change their jerseys. Visiting Teams must advise the opposing team of any conflict 30 minutes prior to game time.  For all elimination, Semi-final, Bronze or Championship games the jersey color will be specified on the game sheet by the Tournament Committee.

4. Teams are guaranteed 4 games. All games will consist of 3 periods (10 minutes-10 minutes-12 minutes) stop time. If during Round Robin games the goal spread at any time of the third period reaches 5 goals, the clock will run until the spread is reduced to 3 goals, at which time stop time will resume. There will be no curfew on games unless there is an unforeseen circumstance that delays play. The Tournament Committee may need to and will give both teams plenty of warning in a curfew situation.  

5. There will be a 3 minute warm-up prior to each game. Game officials will give teams a warning buzzer or whistle with one minute remaining in the warm-up to prompt them to be ready for puck drop. Time keepers will then post 10 minutes on the clock at the start of each game.  Game officials reserve the right to start the clock if teams are not ready for puck drop. In that occurrence the clock will not stop until the first whistle of the game.  

6. There will be one flood prior to each game. 

7. The OWHA minimum suspension guidelines will be strictly enforced according to the OWHA 2018-2019 Constitution, By-laws, and Regulations & Rules.

8. Teams will shake hands after each game.

9. There is no timeout in Round Robin Games.

10. Teams will be awarded 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 (zero) points for a loss.

11. Standings after Round Robin play will be calculated on the basis of points awarded as per Rule #10.  In the event of a tie, the following criteria will be used to break the tie:
a) Winner between tied teams when they played Head to Head. (Applies to 2 way ties only, 3 or more teams tied start with tie breaker 11b)
b) Goal percentage as calculated by dividing team’s total “Goals For” by the SUM of the team’s “Goals For and Goals Against”. TGF/(GF+GA)=%.
c) Fewest goals against.
d) Most goals for.
e) Fewest penalty minutes.
f) Coin toss.
g) Following the tie breaking rules in order.  Once a tie breaking rule has been used or is not applicable it cannot be used again.

Tournament Format (all rankings based on rule 10 and 11 above)

5 Team Divisions:
Each team will play a four game Round Robin. The 1st place team will receive a bye and play in the Championship game. The 2nd and 3rd place teams will play in a semi-final game. The winner will play in the Championship game and the loser will receive the bronze medal. 

6 Team Divisions:
Each team plays three round robin games upon completion of which teams are ranked 1 through 6. The top two teams will receive a bye to the semi-final round. The remaining four will play an elimination game (3rd vs. 6th and 4th vs. 5th). The winners will advance to play the 1st and 2nd place teams in a semi-final with winners going for gold and unsuccessful teams going for Bronze.  

Overtime Information

1. All Elimination, Semi-final, and Medal games are played to a winner.  Round Robin games can end in a tie.

2. One 30-second timeout will be allowed for each team during Semi-final, and Medal games only.  There is no timeout in Round Robin Games. Time outs can be saved and used in either overtime period.

3. In the event of a tie at the end of regulation time, a five-minute sudden-victory overtime will commence (first goal wins). Teams will play 3 on 3 and a goalie (unless one or both teams are serving a penalty).  At no time will there be less than 3 players and a goalie per team on the ice.  Goalies can be pulled in this 5 -minute overtime for an extra player. 

If still tied, a shootout will commence.  Each team must designate 5 shooters (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5) on the game sheet prior to the start of the game.  Any player serving a penalty at the end of the overtime period will NOT be eligible to participate in the shootout.  All players, except shooters and Goalies will be on the bench.  Once a player has shot, they will proceed to the penalty box.  Shooters from both teams will shoot simultaneously until all ten shooters have gone (if necessary).  Total goals after the first 5 shooters from each team have gone will determine the winner.  

If still tied after the 5 designated shooters, a sudden-victory shoot out will commence.  First shooter to score when the simultaneous shooter doesn’t is the winner.  A shooter may not shoot again for a second time until all players on the game sheet (except Goalies and players serving a penalty) have shot.  Teams do not change ends for Overtime or Shoot outs.


1. One (1) set of car keys is required in order to obtain a dressing room key at the Registration desk prior to your scheduled game.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  Please leave dressing rooms in order for the next teams use and vacate within 30 minutes of completion of your game.  Advise registration table if there are any problems.

2. Due to Municipal and Insurance regulations, at no time are players or spectators allowed on the ice without a helmet.

3. The Tournament Coordinators reserve the right to distribute awards off the ice in another location at their discretion.  This is to ensure we adhere to time constraints.

Revised:  January 14, 2020