First Shift Welcoming Event, News (Orangeville Tigers Girls Hockey)

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Nov 03, 2022 | Inga Layman | 538 views
First Shift Welcoming Event
The NHL/NHLPA First Shift kicked off with a Welcome Event Wednesday at Tony Rose.

We welcomed our new players into our hockey community and introduced kids and parents to the program administrators, and coaches, provided an overview of the 6 week program, and offered important information about proper fit and maintenance of equipment, as well as a demonstration on “how to get dressed”.
After the 15 minute information session, each child was individually fitted from head to toe with brand new Bauer equipment. 
Our newest hockey players are now ready to hit the ice for the first time on Monday, November 14. First Shift will run for 6 weeks. For more information on the first shift program please visit the First Shift WebsiteFirst_Shift_Pic_4.jpgFirst_Shift_pic_2.jpgFirst_Shift_pic_3.jpg
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