U11 BB Tigers win Gold in Mississauga, News (Orangeville Tigers Girls Hockey)

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Nov 27, 2022 | Inga Layman | 1151 views
U11 BB Tigers win Gold in Mississauga
The U11 BB Tigers played in the Mississauga Hurricanes Winter Classic Tournament this weekend. 

They won their first game on Friday and tied their second game that day against the Bluewater Hawks. On Saturday the team won both their games earning them 1st place in the division and with that bypassing the semifinal to the be only team to advance to the final straight away. 

They encountered Bluewater again in the final and after a 0:0 tie after regulation time, the game went into overtime. Bluewater scored during overtime, but the goal was waved off due to goaltender interference. The game remained tied after overtime and went to a shootout. 

The Orangeville U11 BB Tigers won the shootout, what a heart-stopping way to win the gold medal!

Congratulations U11 BB Tigers and coaches!!!Missisauga_Sweater.jpgtempImageZ7rt6e.jpgtempImagextX8En.jpg
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