Esso Fun Day, News (Orangeville Tigers Girls Hockey)

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Jul 31, 2023 | Inga Layman | 571 views
Esso Fun Day
The Orangeville Tigers are excited to host a FREE Esso Fun Day on Sunday, September 17th from 4:00pm - 4:50pm in Alder Red. 

This program is for female athletes (Age 6 - 15) that have never previously played hockey before and would like to try it. 

Full equipment is required, so borrow from a sibling or a friend or contact Hoopers Skate Sharpening

This program is capped at 25 participants. Please use the following link to register:

Esso Fun Day 2023

Quesada is all about complex, intriguing, Mexican inspired flavours. Creating a delicious, pleasurable meal is their ultimate goal. Bite into Quesada and you'll experience the Joy of Mex!! Quesada Burritos and Tacos (Orangeville) is under new ownership/management and we are so happy to have them on board as a sponsor for the 2023/2024 season!!